Elképesztően jó pasi lett Bud Spencer unokájából – Fotók

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Dögös pasi Bud Spencer unokája

“Egy legenda unokája” – ezt írja Carlo Pedersoli Jr Instagram-oldalán lévő bemutatkozásában, és joggal, hiszen valóban a népszerű és közkedvelt színész, Bud Spencer volt a nagyapja. A fiatal srácból sikeres sportoló lett, aki MMA harcosként úgy osztja a pofonokat, akár a papája. A következőkben mutatunk pár fotót a tehetséges és pimaszul jóképű ifjabb Pedersoliról, akire minden bizonnyal Bud is büszke lenne.

A kis Carlo Bud Spencerrel.

Carlo tehetséges MMA harcos lett, aki sikert sikerre halmoz. Nagyapja büszke lenne rá.

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Focused with coach @lorenzo_borgomeo ready for MagnumFc3 @magnum.fc and RXF🇷🇴#CPJr #SkyIsTheLimit #Semento

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Reszelni lehetne azon a hason bármit.

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Dopo dieci giorni infernali,sono costretto ad annunciare che non combattero' per il titolo HIT-FC. Ho contratto un virus intestinale che mi ha costretto ad interrompere gli allenamenti e impossibilato a mangiare. Ho perso circa 10 kg e non sono riuscito a riprendermi neanche con le flebo. Per rispetto ad HIT FC,al mio avversario,al tutto il mio team e a me stesso,non posso combattere in queste condizioni.Sono probabilmente al 30% della mia forma fisica. Mi scuso con i miei sparring,il mio team,i miei fans,avrei voluto regalarvi la gioia della prima cintura conquistata. Questa gioia sara' solo rimandata,comunque. Tra 2 settimane prevediamo di essere in grado di riprendere gli allenamenti per il titolo di Magnum Fc III,a Bucarest. Grazie a tutti, After ten days of hell, I'm forced to announce that I will not fight for the HIT-FC title. I contracted an intestinal virus that forced me to stop my workouts and made me unable to eat. I lost about 10 kg and I could not even get it back IVs. I feel that to respect HIT FC, my opponent, my team and myself, I can not fight in these conditions. I'm probably 30% of my physical and mental shape. I apologize to my sparring partners, my team, my fans, I would have liked giving you the joy of the first belt of my career. This joy will only be postponed, anyway. In 2 weeks we expect to be able to resume training for the title of Magnum Fc III in Bucarest. Thank you all, Carlo Pedersoli Jr. Carlo Pedersoli Jr #CPJr #SkyIsTheLimit #Semento

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Edzője is büszke rá.

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With my Strength & Conditioning coach @gioacchino_cimaglia #gloriafightcenter #CPJr #SkyIsTheLimit #Semento

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Im ready for the @ufc , @seanshelby and @danawhite c’mon make it happen #CPJr #skyisthelimit #Semento

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Getting ready for next fight #CPJr #SkyIsTheLimit #Semento

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“A jövő azoké, akik mernek hinni az álmaikban” – írta a képhez Carlo.

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..The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt #CPJr #skyisthelimit #Semento ph by @federico_floresta_ph

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Some shoots for @brumelspiazzabologna best smart/casual shop in Rome … Via Padova 47/49 #Brumels #piazzabologna

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#tbt At Venator Fight Night in Rimini with @alexdandi_com #VenatorFc #CPJr #SkyIsTheLimit #Semento

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