Egy grafikus megmutatja, hogy nézne ki a múlt 17 legendás embere napjainkban

Ma már csak festményeken és szobrokon láthatjuk, hogy néztek ki a múlt ikonikus emberei. Becca Saladin grafikus és történelemrajongó úgy döntött, hogy egyesíti hivatását hobbijával, és megmutatja, hogy néznének ki a múlt híres emberei, ha ma köztünk járnának.

Minket teljesen elbűvölt Saladin munkája, és úgy döntöttünk, hogy megosztjuk veletek is!

II. Katalin orosz cárnő

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I got SO MANY requests for Catherine the Great this week & last because of the Hulu show. I watched a few episodes and it’s amazing so far but I haven’t had a chance to finish yet. I actually didn’t know much about Catherine the Great (besides the horse myth….yikes) so this was interesting to research! One thing I wasn’t expecting was how difficult researching her hair color would be. Sources and portraits show Catherine with beautiful blue eyes, but they differ sometimes on her hair. In the show and in one or two sources she is depicted as a blonde, but many more sources and portraits show her with rich dark hair – so that’s what I went with here. . Catherine II (born Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst) was born in 1729 – this portrait was dated to the mid 1760s, so it puts her approximately in her mid 30s. Known as Catherine the Great, she was Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796 – the country’s longest-ruling female leader. She was married to the inept Tsar Peter III upon arriving in Russia, and came to power in a coup that she organized herself. Under her rule, Russia thrived, growing larger and stronger until it became one of the main powers of Eurasia. Catherine was an admirer of Peter the Great, and embarked on a modernization campaign of Russia. Despite her efforts, Russia still had its shortcomings – Russia was still using serf labor while Catherine ruled – causing several rebellions and uprisings. Catherine was a supporter of the arts, humanities, and a supporter of the Enlightenment. Many historians agree that Russia was in its “Golden Age” while Catherine ruled. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop. . #Catherinethegreat #hulu #thegreat #ellefanning #Russia #RussianHistory #RussianArt #Austria #EuropeanArt #EuropeanArtHistory #ArtHistory#Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign

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I. Erzsébet angol királynő

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I’ve been wanting to recreate Elizabeth I using a different portrait for a while. I wanted to do a portrait of an older Elizabeth since she was a long-reigning queen – she was 42 at the time she sat for this portrait. Honestly, this is one of my favorite creations I’ve made. I love how elegant she looks as a chic, modern-day Englishwoman. I lowered the plucked hairline (popular for her era), gave her some blush and a more natural skin tone (she is wearing lead makeup in this portrait), and added some well-earned wrinkles that I’m sure she would have in modern-day. When you compare this one to my original Elizabeth creation (created over a year ago), I feel like I’ve grown leaps and bounds and that is super rewarding to see as a creator. After all, if you’re not embarrassed by your old works you’re probably not doing it right 😉 . There are prints of this work available! . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed 🙂 A few ways to support: Patreon: Paypal: Venmo: @Becca-Saladin . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop . #ElizabethI #Tudors #AnneBoleyn #MaryI #EdwardVI #HenryVIII #HenryVII #BritishHistory #EnglishHistory #Photomanipulation #Editing #DigitalArt #DigitalDrawing #Edits #Photoedits #Retouching #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #History

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Nofertiti ókori egyiptomi királyné

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Little Nefertiti update for you all on this fine Thursday. I just love working on versions of her 🖤 . Prints of Nefertiti & more available in the Etsy shop – head on over to . If you’ve enjoyed my work on the Instagram, please consider supporting me with a few bucks – my work has always been and will always be available to view for free. Here are a few ways: Become a Patreon member for exclusive perks: Paypal: Venmo: @Becca-Saladin . Bust of Nefertiti, original statue located in the Egyptian Museum Berlin. Photo by Philip Pikart. Changes made: Color profile and contrast. Right portrait base: Pexels.

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Botticelli Vénusza

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Happy Valentines day! It’s only fitting to do Venus from Botticelli’s famous “The Birth of Venus”, painted during the height of the Italian Renaissance. The model for Venus is the gorgeous Simonetta Vespucci, one of the artist’s muses. I think she’s one of the most beautiful females ever painted – do you think anyone tops her? Swipe to see a sneak peak of the creation video for this one, which is now live for Patreon supporters! . . As always, if you would like to support you can do so by joining the Patreon ( or I have a “Tip Jar” here at www.paypalme/royaltynow. Any help is much appreciated. . . Left Image: Public Domain, Right Image base: with permission, @LesFleursduMallory and Gregg Thorne (

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Marcus Antonius

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A very frequently requested subject, here is Mark Antony! Let me tell you, this one gave me a run for my money. I wasn’t expecting it to be such a challenge but it was a fun one which left me poring over every detail. The only description I could find for his looks was that he had medium brown hair and hazel eyes, so that’s what I went with here. . Marcus Antonius (known in English as Mark Antony), lived from 83 BC until 30 BC. He was an influential Roman military leader and politician during the pivotal time in Roman history when the empire was transitioning from a Republic to an autocratic Empire. . Antony was a friend and supporter of Julius Caesar – they had served together during the Gallic wars and the Empire’s civil war (of which Julius Caesar emerged the victor). After Julius Caesar’s assassination, Antony, Octavian, and Marcus Lepidus joined forces to defeat Caesar’s assassins, eventually becoming a three-man dictatorship. A notorious partier, Mark Antony began his infamous love affair with Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Eventually, tensions between Antony and Octavian became too strong and broke into a civil war. Antony was married to Octavian’s sister while openly carrying out his love affair with the Egyptian queen, further straining the relationship between the two men. Octavian declared war on Cleopatra and marked Antony as a traitor. Antony was defeated by Octavian’s forces at the Battle of Actium. He then fled to Egypt, where both he and Cleopatra notoriously committed suicide. Octavian then became the first true Emperor of Rome, taking on the name Augustus – a former Royalty Now subject. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. Information: based from Wikipedia. Created using @photoshop. . #MarkAntony #Cleopatra #JuliusCaesar #Rome #AncientHistory #AncientRome #RomanArt #HistoryofRome #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHis

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Hürrem szultána (I. Szulejmán oszmán szultán felesége)

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Hürrem Sultan, also known as Roxelana, was the chief consort and legal wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. She became one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman history and a prominent and controversial figure during the era known as the Sultanate of Women. Born in what is now modern-day Ukraine, Hurrem was originally a captive from a slave raid in her home country of Ruthenia. She entered the Imperial Harem of Suleiman (a former Royalty Now subject). Famously, Hurrem rose through the ranks of the harem, catching the special attention of Suleiman. The pair fell in love, and breaking with Ottoman tradition, Suleiman made Hurrem his legal wife and the first imperial consort to receive the title of Haseki Sultan. The pair had six children. Hurrem is famous for not only being beautiful and the wife of the great Sultan, but also for being smart and active in the affairs and direction of the empire. She acted as Suleiman’s chief advisor and corresponded with politicians on matters of state both foreign and domestic. . Prints are available for Hurrem! Please visit the link in my bio to go directly to the Etsy shop. . If you’re interested in supporting my work in other ways, here are a few ways: Patreon: Link in Bio Paypal: Venmo: @Becca-Saladin . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop. . #Hurrem #Roxelana #Suleiman #OttomanEmpire #Turkey #OttomanHistory #ArtHistory #Photomanipulation #Editing #DigitalArt #DigitalDrawing #Edits #Photoedits #Retouching #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #History

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George Washington

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George Washington doesn’t need too much of an introduction, especially for the followers in the US. Washington was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and founding father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. Before becoming the president, Washington was a leader in the nation’s Revolutionary War for Independence. Washington has been called the “Father of His Country” for his manifold leadership in the formative days of the new nation. Washington owned slaves, and, in order to preserve national unity, he supported measures passed by Congress to protect slavery. He endeavored to assimilate Native Americans into Anglo-American culture but combated indigenous resistance during occasions of violent conflict. He has been memorialized by monuments, art, geographical locations, stamps, and currency, and many scholars and polls rank him among the greatest U.S. presidents. . Prints of this work are available in my Etsy shop! You can find a direct link in my bio. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed 🙂 A few ways to support: Receive exclusive perks: Paypal: Venmo: @Becca-Saladin . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: Pexels. Created using @photoshop. . #GeorgeWashington #FoundingFather #Hamilton #HamiltonTheMusical #USA #RevolutionaryWar #Photoshop #DigitalArt #ArtHistory #History #AmericanHistory #USHistory #MarthaWashington #Washington #FaceSwap

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Friday bonus post! A lot of you asked me when I posted my original Cleopatra if I could make her with curly hair. I created this new version for those requests – which do y’all like better? . As a reminder, Cleo was part of the Ptolemaic dynastic, a Hellenistic dynasty ruling Egypt – so her skin would be lighter than the typical Egyptian 😊 . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed 🙂 A few ways to support: Patreon: Link in Bio Paypal: Venmo: @Becca-Saladin I’m also hoping to get an Etsy shop up and running here soon! I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop.

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Pocahontas (c. 1596 – March 1617) was a Native American woman notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia and her travels to England. She was the daughter of the chief Powhatan, the great chief of a network of tributary tribes in the Tsenacommacah, encompassing the Tidewater region of Virginia. The representation I’ve worked from here is a painted copy of an original engraving – the only portrait made of Pocahontas during her lifetime. Working from the engraving probably would have been more accurate, but generally I need a painting to work from. The portrait was made by an English artist, hence why she looks so Anglicized. It’s possible that her clothing might have been hiding tattoos or that some could have been “photoshopped” off her face by the engraver Simon de Passe to better show her as a “civilized” woman fit for English sensibilities. I wanted to include a version of her here that honors her Algonquin heritage much more than the portrait does. If you swipe, you’ll see a version of Pocahontas with a version of traditional Algonquin tattooing on her face. . More about Pocohontas: We don’t have that many details of her life, but it was certainly not what the Disney film was showing us! She never had a love affair with John Smith and she didn’t save his life during his capture. Pocahontas was captured by hostile colonists in 1613 and encouraged to convert to Christianity – her christian name became “Rebecca”. She married John Rolfe, and they traveled to London together, attempting to show that she was a “Civilized Savage” in hopes of getting more support and supplies to the Jamestown settlement. Unfortunately Pocahontas died on the return voyage of an unknown illness at the young age of 21 or 22. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: Just a few posts ago, I showed a bit of work on this one and I have a tutorial on the Curves tool using this image as an example for those who would choose to support! . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock Photo.

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III. Alexandrosz (Nagy Sándor)

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Wanted to do a little bonus update post today, because I make some updates from time to time on older works utilizing more techniques I’ve learned over the years. He’s been a favorite post of mine since the beginning! . A little bit about my depiction: Alexander had a condition called Heterochromia, which is where the eyes are a patchwork of colors or each eye is a different color. Descriptions of him give him golden curly hair (which is why I made his skin tone a bit lighter as well). He also was likely gay or bisexual (despite those labels being more of a modern construction than ancient peoples’ notion of them), so happy pride month y’all 🏳️‍🌈 . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop.

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Ehnaton fáraó

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Akhenaten was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh born in 1380 BCE that reigned circa 1353–1336 BCE. Before the fifth year of his reign, he was known as Amenhotep IV. One of his wives was the famous Nefertiti (a previous subject of Royalty Now). Akhenaten and Nefertiti were known for a religious revolution, during which they cast away the multiple Egyptian gods and began a monotheistic religion centered around the sun god, Aten (the reason for the name change from Amenhotep to Akhenaten). The new religious ways were not widely accepted by the Egyptian people or nobles, and gradually returned to normal after his (supposed) son King Tutankhamun became the leader. Akhenaten reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history, known now as the Amarna period. The art of the Amarna period deviated drastically from the previous art style – it was much less formal and full of curvier, more realistic portrayals of the rulers, which is why we have such beautiful portraits of both Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Compare their portraits to previous subject Hatshepsut, and you will see the stylistic difference. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at or Venmo @becca-saladin. I appreciate my supporters so dearly ❤️ . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock photo. Created using @photoshop . #Akhenaten #Nefertiti #Amarna #EgyptianArt #EgyptianHistory #Pharaoh #Egypt #AfricanArt #AfricanHistory #EuropeanHistory #EuropeanArt #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

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Madame de Pompadour

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Those of you who followed me for a long time may have seen my old, archived version of the enchanting mistress & confidante of Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour. From time to time I revise and repost new versions. For some reason, this portrait of her by François Boucher was so intriguing to me. Her shy smile and eyes that aren’t quite a specific color were very enchanting, as I’m sure they were during her life. Check out Louis XV, who was a previous subject as well! . Jeanne Antoinette Poisson (known later as Madame de Pompadour) was a member of the French court in the mid 18th century. She was the official chief mistress of Louis XV from 1745 to 1751, and remained influential as court favourite until her death. She was not born noble, but was raised in a wealthy household. An interesting fact I learned during my research was that she was actually groomed from a young age to become the mistress of a king. Supposedly her mother took her to a fortune teller that predicted she would one day reign over the heart of a King. She received a private education and was very quick witted – learning all the skills she would one day need to thrive at Versailles. As the king’s mistress she became a noblewoman and was considered a valuable aide and advisor. Pompadour was a major patroness of architecture and decorative arts, especially porcelain. She was a patroness of the philosophes of the Enlightenment, including Voltaire. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: Information: based from Wikipedia. Created using @photoshop. . #Madamedepompadour #FrenchHistory #LouisXV #King #KingofFrance #Sunking #Louis XIV #Louis XVI #Pompadour #MadameDuBarry #Versailles #FrenchCourt #FrenchArt #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram

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XIV. Lajos francia király (a Napkirály)

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Louis XIV, known also as the Sun King, ruled France from 1643 until 1715, which is the longest reign in French history. France was a leading power during the reign of Louis, but it was a time period marked by near constant warfare. The Sun King was notoriously excessive, and he cared very much about his image and legacy. He commissioned over 300 portraits of himself during his lifetime (the portrait I’ve chosen here is Louis as a young man of 23). He saw maintaining the royal image as a political duty during the age of absolute monarchies in Europe. It’s clear that Louis was “photoshopped” in portraits after the age of 9 when he contracted smallpox, because a single scar is never seen in portraits. Louis was focused more on projecting a mythical image of himself rather than reality (which is similar to most kings and queens throughout the ages). Who knows how close the original portrait I worked from even resembles the king, but it’s a fun exercise nonetheless. I figured a man who was as extra as Louis and wore such insane wigs might have this stylish model blowout I chose on the right. If you’re interested in all things Louis, follow one of my faves @leroilouisxiv . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. . #LouisXIV #TheSunKing #SunKing #LouisXVI #LouisXV #MarieAntoinette #QueenAnne #Versailles #FrenchHistory #FrenchArt #EuropeanHistory #EuropeanArt #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

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Hatsepszut fáraó

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Hatshepsut came to the throne of Egypt in 1478 BC. She ruled longer than any other female pharaoh and is regarded as being one of the most successful pharaohs in Egyptian history. Egyptologist James Henry Breasted said she is “the first great woman in history of whom we are informed.” She re-established trade networks and embarked on great building projects in Egypt. There were so many statues produced during her reign that nearly every major museum that has an Ancient Egyptian exhibit has a Hatshepsut portrait. . This was obviously a very stylized statue to work from, but it was really fun to guess what she would look like nonetheless. What’s interesting about the depictions of Hatshepsut is that they are very stylized in terms of the large eyes and small head, yet they are incredibly consistent across time and location. Every single portrait I’ve found of her has these large, kind eyes, the same shape nose, and a bit of a smile. None of the portraits of her show any age differences, so I’ve depicted her here as a young woman to match the smooth look of the statue. There aren’t many descriptions of her appearance, but some say she was obese and perhaps balding by the end of her great reign. I’ve given her a skin tone that matched some of the pigment on her statues, and I’m aware this may not be correct – unfortunately we have no DNA evidence or descriptions of skin tone for her. A mummy has been attributed to her that shows diabetes and died of bone cancer in her fifties. If that mummy was indeed her, it would explain her deteriorating appearance and bad teeth in her later years. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain (Metropolitan Museum), Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. . #Hatshepsut #EgyptianArt #EgyptianHistory #Pharaoh #Egypt #AfricanArt #AfricanHistory #EuropeanHistory #EuropeanArt #portrait #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #Hi

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Borgia Lukrécia modenai hercegné

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Lucrezia Borgia was a Spanish-Italian noblewoman of the House of Borgia who was the daughter of Pope Alexander VI and his mistress Vannozza dei Cattanei. Lucrezia was an incredibly smart and charming noble woman – she reigned as the Governor of Spoleto, a position usually held by cardinals, in her own right. Her beauty and grace were renowned throughout Italy. There are many portraits that may be her, but the one I’ve worked from here is the only one that was confirmed to be her. She was also said to have blonde hair but this portrait shows her with a more strawberry blonde tone, which I’ve replicated. . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: iStock Photo. . #LucreziaBorgia #Borgia #Medici #Florence #Italy #Renaissance #RenaissanceArt #ItalianArt #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #AsianArt #AsianArtHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

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I. Mária skót királynő (Stuart Mária)

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The Patreon group has selected Mary, Queen of Scots for the next post! For those of you that have been following me for a long time, this is not my first time posting this queen, but I wanted to re-do my original version using a different portrait this time. This portrait was painted when Mary was between 16 and 18 years old, painted around the time of her wedding to Francis, the Dauphin of France. Honestly, she’s hard to pin down because I’ve seen so many portraits of her and they all look very different. I wouldn’t call Mary beautiful exactly, but she was tall, charming and vivacious according to descriptions. Hope you all enjoy. . . Left Image: Public Domain, Right Image base: My beautiful friend & model, Mallory (@lesfleursdumallory) . As always, if you would like to support my work you can do so by joining the Patreon ( or in my “Tip Jar” at www.paypalme/royaltynow. Any help is much appreciated.

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Boleyn Anna

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A lot of you all know that Anne Boleyn is my absolute favorite historical figure – she was my very first subject (an archived version that I would be too embarrassed to show now). I always want to work on her. I was just going to post slide 2 of Anne today, which I worked on from my previous version to just try and make her a little more realistic. I can see my skills improving with the realism of the figures over time. I found this amazing stock photo and wanted to make the seductress version of Anne. She has so many “sides” to her, as told by history. To some, she was a witch who seduced the king, and to others she was this charming, witty and intelligent woman. I leaned into the temptress trope with this version on slide one. I always add some extra substance to the lips on the Tudor portraits, because they are always painted so unreasonably tiny. Which one do you guys like better? Sexy Anne or demure Anne? . If you’re interested in supporting my work please consider donating a few bucks a month so I can purchase my software and the stock photos needed: You can also make a one-time donation at I appreciate my supporters so dearly. . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: Pexels. Created using @photoshop. . #AnneBoleyn #BritishHistory #EnglishHistory #HenryVIII #KatherineofAragon #CatherineParr #AnneofCleves #KatherineHoward #JaneSeymour #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram

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