15 megindító fénykép, amely bemutatja a nők egyedülálló szépségét miután gyermekük született

A média megpróbál meggyőzni bennünket arról, hogy gyermek születése után a nőknek azonnal úgy kell kinézni, mintha egy divatbemutatón vennének részt. Az igazság az, hogy szülés után a női test nem lesz olyan, mint a Disney hercegnő. A Jade Beall fotóprojekt két csoportra osztotta az embereket. Néhányan meglepődtek, hogy a nők milyen bátrak voltak, és mások úgy gondolták, hogy az ilyen őszinteség túlmegy mindenen.

Úgy gondoljuk, hogy minden vélemény fontos. De biztosak vagyunk benne, hogy a nők, akik úgy döntenek, hogy megmutatják testüket néhány nappal vagy héttel a szülés után, nagyon bátrak és jó humorérzékük van.


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A note to the new mama 🤱🏻 You may not recognise your own body anymore, but you need to give it time. It’s possible you’ll still look pregnant weeks after birth, this is normal. Your belly button will look the way it used to, eventually. Your body may have made some permanent physical changes, embrace them. You may lose a lot of hair in the first few months, don’t panic it’s a normal phase. Your hormones are adjusting themselves, there will be high, lows and probably tears. You may get the baby blues or postpartum depression, know that this is okay and ask for help and support, you’re not alone. Your breastfeeding journey (if you do) may not be as easy as you expected, don’t beat yourself up and it will take time. You may bleed for weeks after giving birth, like a big pain in the ass period. You need to increase you fiber intake… just trust us on this one! You may sweat a lot and feel like you’re in a constant heat wave in the first few days, thank you hormones. You may have permanent scars on your body, these are simply reminders of how strong our amazing bodies are, learn to love them. . Motherhood changes us, physically, mentally and emotionally. Some of these changes permanent, most temporary, remember you’re not alone. Welcome to the club mama, we got you ❤️ . Fellow mama’s – if I haven’t listed it here, let a new mama know something 😘

Katie ❁ (@katie_newnham) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Lehetséges, hogy még mindig hetekig látszódnak a szülés nyomai, de ez normális.”


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I tried to find a perfectly posed photo of me breastfeeding Charlie with my hair all nice and face done, but I quickly realized that it didn’t exist. No makeup and unshowered, sweaty from sporadic hot flashes, and so frickin hungry ALL THE TIME. That’s my truth 😜 Breastfeeding has been my favorite part of mommyhood so far. So happy I get to experience this with my daughter and so blessed for the support I’ve gotten along this journey. Not the most flattering picture but in honor of #worldbreastfeedingweek this was the most raw one I could find of me #breastfeeding 🤱🙌

christy kisseberth (gillick) (@miss.ckiss) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Megpróbáltam egy tökéletesen kitalált fotót találni rólam, de hamar rájöttem, hogy olyan nem létezik.”


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@takebackpostpartum 1 week postpartum is a soft belly with fresh stretch marks, swollen leaking breasts, dark under eye circles. I was never one to be fully confident in my body. My first was and induction at 41 weeks which lead to an emergency csection. I hardly gained stretch marks but my csection scar left me even more self conscious of my shape. However this time I feel different. Baby number two came the day after his due date. And after a long 25 hour labor, with a scare that sent me to the OR temporarily, I had a successful VBAC (with the help of an epidural). I gained a swirl of new stretch marks and am overly tired from both baby and a toddler. But now I look at myself and dont criticize. I see a soft belly that grew two beautiful babies. I see my tired eyes feel love for staying up all night to feed the baby, and resting less in the afternoon to spend time with the toddler. I can’t always do it all, and this first week has been rough. But I am a mother. And I am strong. And there’s nothing more amazing a beautiful than that. #postpartum #birthwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum #momofboys #loveyourself #mombod

Sara Santa Maria (@sarebear629) által megosztott bejegyzés,

„A szülés után 1 hétig puha a hasad, friss striákkal.”


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No more bump shots so me and Margot have had a little selfie instead. One week postpartum and I can honestly say it’s been a lot harder than I ever thought. After having an emergency c-section and delivering Nellie 3 months early I though our full term, planned section would be a breeze. Well in no way have I “bounced back” like I did with Nellie. Will my belly button always look like a cats bum hole? 😆 It’s been a lot easier emotionally but I still cry at least once a day over absolutely nothing and man my poor boobies are running like taps, everything is soaked in breast milk, Margot loves a comfort feed so I’ve spent the last 7 days with her hanging of my nipple whilst contending with Nellie and now this silly blood pressure problem. How an earth do you mummas with more than two do it? Not that I would have it any other way, I’m still utterly and blissfully in baby paradise. There really is nothing I’d rather be doing than mothering my two girls. . . . #postpartum #1weekold #1weekpostpartum #4thtrimester #newborn #babygirl #babymargot #toddlermum #mumoftwo #preemiemama #28weeker #happyhappy

Georgia Sage (@sageandnellie) által megosztott bejegyzés,

„1 héttel a szülés után: őszintén elmondhatom, hogy sokkal nehezebb volt, mint gondoltam. Sokkal könnyebb érzelmileg, de legalább naponta egyszer sírok a semmitől.”


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A beautiful and honest #postpartum moment by @annabelle.and.i ・・・ 12 days postpartum featuring my angel and the marks she gave me, snapped before our first shower together and then followed by being peed all over but enjoying every precious moment with her. 💞 #lifeofannabelleluna #takebackpostpartum

@ takebackpostpartum által megosztott bejegyzés,

„12 nappal a szülést követően”


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Oh I miss this squishy newborn freshie stage and that beautiful soft postpartum tummy that held life inside. #birthbecomesher #birthdoula #birthisbeautiful #thehonestlens #dearphotographer #birthwithoutfear #canadianbirthphotographers #stopcensoringmotherhood #littlebirdbirthservices #powellriverdoula #powellriverbirthphotographer #birthphotogs

Little Bird Birth Services (@littlebirdbirthservices) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Ó, hiányzik, amikor még ez a kis angyalom bennem lakott.”


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Dear Internet, ⠀ ⠀ This is what a body looks like 9 days postpartum. And no, I do not have any interest in trying to “shed 10”, bounce back or get my body back. Don’t sell me wraps, skinny teas or weight loss management kits. ⠀ ⠀ I love this body of mine. It nourished, birthed and continues to feed my precious baby. I appreciate all that it has given me and I honour it’s soft, squishy, life-giving curves. ⠀ ⠀ So thank you for your concern, but we’re all doing just fine here. 😊⠀ ⠀ #bodypositive #takebackpostpartum⠀ ⠀ Photo by @oliviaannphotography_

Tara Teng • Miss Canada 2012 (@misstarateng) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Kedves Internet! Így néz ki a testem szülés után 9 nappal. És nem érdekel, ha nem tökéletes a testem.”


„Kövér voltam, mielőtt terhes lettem volna, de amikor az ikrekkel terhes lettem, az evés az őrületbe kergett. A középső kép 1 évvel a szülés után (2017. december) készült, és jobbról ma haspólóban! ”


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This is what #takebackpostpartum is about! “Yes I have stretch marks, I have more than one chin, my thighs rub together. My body isn’t perfect, but it did give me my baby. My body carried and cared for her. I don’t care if it’s not the definition of perfect, it’s perfect to me.” 💪🏼 @thelittle.fruit #postpartum #mombod #variationsofnormal #beautiful #motherhood

@ takebackpostpartum által megosztott bejegyzés,

“– Igen, így nézek ki. A testem nem tökéletes, de adott nekem egy babá. Nem érdekel, ha nem a tökéletes definíció, tökéletes nekem.”


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So, it is #cesareanawarenessmonth and I figured I would share my story❤️ I went into labor on Jan 9, 2015 at 4 a.m. (I knew I would go into labor in the early morning). We went to the hospital and I was dilating normally but then I stopped. Olivia’s heart rate was dropping on and off. I was so scared but did my best to stay calm. Finally after hours of no further dilation, (past 4cm) my Dr. decided I should have a Caesarian. I labored for about 12 hours. I wasn’t scared at all, but relieved we would meet Olivia soon. The cord was wrapped around her neck twice and around her shoulder. The surgery was actually interesting. The pressure, the pulling..no pain. My husband was so good throughout the whole process. Helping me breathe through contractions..cooling my forehead. And my mom too. The recovery was difficult and painful but so worth the safety of our little nugget. I actually love my scar and hope it doesn’t fade too quickly. I had no complications during my pregnancy. #cesareanwithoutfear #takebackpostpartum Olivia is 15 months old now and so smart and strong💪🏻

🌙💀🐱🍃⚡️ (@aalder) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Tényleg szeretem a hegemet, és remélem, hogy nem tűnik túl gyorsan. ”

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This is a rare picture of me, doing my thang, trying to get ready #momlife #pumplife . How many of you mamas are pros at juggling multiple tasks? Cause I’m not 😪 hence why my bathroom is messy, closet is unorganized, but this is real life. Real life is messy and not social media perfection and THATS OKAT. Also, can we talk about how cute my 6 week postpartum tummy is? There was a baby in there and I’m squishy and I love it.

Kumiko Nixon (@kumikonixon) által megosztott bejegyzés,


„5 hónap van a képek között. 7 hónappal a szülés után, és a farmerom végül sokkal jobban illeszkedik. Szülés utáni depresszióval küzdöttem, így jó 4 hónapig tartott, hogy elkezdjek mozogni.”


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This is 175 lbs.!!!!! 👈🏼 . This is not the number on the scale I want to be at 5m after baby BUT….🤷🏻‍♀️ #postpartumhormones 🤱🏻 . Right now I’m focused on more than the numbers. Because, This is also what it feels like to love myself again. This is what it feels like to show up for myself each day. To gain physical strength and mental strength. This is what shines on the outside when you are healthy On The inside! . Stop doing it for JUST the number on the scale. Do it for you. Stop putting YOU on the back burner and making excuses as to why you can’t get healthy. Because you Don’t have to be perfect. We are all PERFECTLY IMPERFECT 👌🏼 and human. . I’m looking for 5 more ladies to mentor this November to wrap the year up strong 💪🏼. You don’t have to do it alone. My fit fam and I are working on always loving that skin you are in. It’s time you loved U too. ❤️

Amanda Trottier (@a_healthy_firewife_rn) által megosztott bejegyzés,


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“I’ve been wanting to share this for awhile now. Almost everyday, I receive messages from other Mums asking me how I look the way that I do. How I got my ‘pre baby body’ back. Here’s the truth ladies – I DIDN’T. I have the excess skin. I don’t have stomach definition the way I used to. My hips are a little wider. I don’t want there to be any misconceptions. My body did not just ‘bounce back’. Now having said that, I work very hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to FEEL good in my skin. I may not ever look the way I did before I had the twins. And you know what? I’m OK with that. _ I have arms. I have legs. I can see, hear and experience life. My body has done amazing things, why on earth would I punish it? _ Learn to appreciate what you have. It doesn’t mean you have to stop working for what you want, just show a little self love along the way.” 💕@twinmamadiaries #takebackpostpartum

@ takebackpostpartum által megosztott bejegyzés,

„Tanuld meg értékelni azt, amid van. Ez nem jelenti azt, hogy abba kell hagynod dolgozni azon, amit szeretnél, csak mutass egy kis önszeretet az út mentén.”


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These photos are a year apart. I didn’t ‘bounce back’, I changed my lifestyle, exercised and have a balanced attitude towards nutrition. What you don’t see in these pictures is how my mindset has changed. That is the real benefit. Your biggest journey will always be the one inside your head, so take time to look after your mind and the rest will fall into place.

Lauren Patterson (@___laurenkate) által megosztott bejegyzés,

“Ezek a képek egy év különbséggel készültek. Megváltoztattam az életmódomat, edzettem, és kiegyensúlyozott táplálkozást folytattam. Amit nem látsz ezeken a képeken, hogyan változott a gondolkodásmódom. Ez az igazi előny. A legnagyobb utazásod mindig a fejedben lesz, így időt vesz igénybe, hogy minden a helyére kerüljön.“