A szépségideál 2020-ban megváltozik, és a legutóbbi Glamour címlapok is csak ezt bizonyítják

Megjelent a Glamour magazin februári kiadása 11 címlappal. A Glamour új arcává váltak azok a nők, akik korábban még csak nem is álmodhattak arról, hogy egy divatmagazin borítójára kerüljenek. És bátorságuk, egyedi tulajdonságuk és szokatlan szépségük most trendi van.

Mindig figyelünk a divatipar tendenciáira, tehát azonnal észrevettük ezeket a friss arcokat.

Sophia Hadjipanteli

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So honored to be on the cover of the Self-Love issue of @glamouruk ❤️

Sophia ☠️🧿🇬🇷🇨🇾 (@sophiahadjipanteli) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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I made a Tik Tok lol go follow me username is: unibrowmovement

Sophia ☠️🧿🇬🇷🇨🇾 (@sophiahadjipanteli) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Ez a nő úgy döntött, hogy nem szabadul meg a szemöldökétől, és sok tervező szívét nyerte meg. Az emberek régebben nevettek Sophia-n, de most részt vesz a londoni divathét eseményén, sikeres Instagram-fiókot működtet, és divatikon lesz.

Harnaam Kaur

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OMG I’m a Glamour Girl!!! OMG I’m a Glamour star!!!!! 💜💜 Here we go my dear friends!!! This is my first digital front cover for @glamouruk 2020!!!! #theselfloveissue I am honoured and so super proud of this achievement! When have you ever seen a Brown, Turbaned, Bearded Lady on the front cover of a major magazine?! Thank you @glamouruk for this opportunity. Even through bad mental health seasons we achieve greatness!! – This is the power of US!!! 💜💜🙏🏽🙏🏽 Image by @nikitaphotographytx – you’re amazing!!! Thank you for shooting me!! 💜

Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Y’all babes can call me Zaddy!!! 😍😍😝😝😘😘 Pin 📍me your location! 💙💙💜💜

Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mosolygós, életvidám lány néz vissza Harnaam Kaur képeiről, pedig nehéz évek állnak mögötte. A fiatal lánynak korán meg kellett tanulnia elfogadni önmagát és megbirkózni a társadalmi nyomásokkal. Ma azonban egy olyan nő áll a világ előtt, akinek az önbizalmát sok ember megirigyelné.

Munroe Bergdorf

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well this is a pinch me moment! whilst I was growing up @glamouruk was my go-to beauty bible, so it feels especially WILD to now be a GLAMOUR cover girl! as a teenager I would never have thought that this would be ever part of my journey, let alone even possible. i hope younger trans peeps can look at this cover moment and feel like anything is possible for them also. set yourself a goal and go for it, don’t let ANYONE deter you and do it your way! thank you to the lovely team at @glamouruk for always being so supportive and to my publicist @bethmorrisintl for being the best media mom I could hope for. what a dream! #theselfloveissue #glamouruk photographer @indrekgaletin stylist @taffwilliamson makeup @biancaspencermua hair @cipher_co

MUNROE (@munroebergdorf) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Make your own rules… @prettylittlething #prettylittlething #ad

MUNROE (@munroebergdorf) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Munroe transznemű modell, aktivista és DJ. Részt vett egy L’Oréal hirdetési kampányban, valamint a Dazed és a Vanity Fair magazinok fotózásán.

Chidera Eggerue

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Guess who’s gracing the February 2020 digital cover of @glamouruk?! I shot and styled this cover by myself in my apartment because my creativity knows no bounds and we reject creative pigeon-holing round here. 😌 #SAGGYBOOBSMATTER #TheSelfLoveIssue

Chidera Eggerue (@theslumflower) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Mint chocolate ice cream.

Chidera Eggerue (@theslumflower) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Chidera híres lett, miután elindított egy mozgalmat. Az aktivista arra kérte a nőket, akiknek eltérő keblei vannak, mint amit általában a közösségi médiában reklámoznak, osszák meg fényképeiket az interneten. Chidera belefáradt a szépségügyi előírásokba, és úgy határozott, hogy nyilatkozatot tesz.

Stephanie Yeboah

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✨Cover Girl✨ An actual heart stopping, unreal moment. Baby’s first cover! As well as *possibly* being the first black plus size woman on the cover of Glamour. Thank you @glamouruk for including me within the series of covers for #TheSelfLoveIssue! ✨14 year old Steph is currently in tears, because after being introduced to the mag as a child by my cousin, I would buy and read it religiously, imagining that I was in the magazine, as a model. Now I’m on the cover. WHAT IS LIFE? ___ I also have an article on the site to coincide which I’ll link in stories once it’s live! _____ MUA – @enamasiama

Stephanie Yeboah (@stephanieyeboah) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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(Read whole caption😂) Angelic. Ethereal. Innocent, even. 😂strutting about in one of my favourite dresses by @lornaluxe for @inthestylecurve ❤️ ___ Speaking of innocence, for all my fellow fats out there, isn’t it annoying when people take one look at you and assume you to be ‘innocent’?. First world problems, I know – but sometimes if feel like…if we aren’t hyper sexual, then we’re completely desexualised all together. I have been getting the whole ‘I thought you were so innocent!🥴’ talk my whole life, so when I start talking about Smegma and how I’d like to babysit Jason Momoa’s pre-developed kids in my mouth, people always seem shocked, as if to say fat women don’t also dream of having our cheeks smashed to smithereens. Don’t let our round faces and big cheeks fool ya; we also live with thoughts of desire and general nastiness! 🌚😅 Photography – @fordtography #inthestylecurve #lornamademedoit

Stephanie Yeboah (@stephanieyeboah) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Stephanie Yeboah egy 30 éves, plus size modell, aki könyvet fog kiadni a szépségéről. Ez a nő szeret öltözködni és megosztani extravagáns megjelenését az Instagramon.

Jeyza Gary

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I needed some time to think before I made this post. Some time to feel the reality of this moment. There was a point where I never would’ve seen this, target, job opportunities, even me being on multiple flights in the same month lol. God is so intentional. To know that he had this in mind way back in 98’…. To know he didn’t make a single mistake when he gifted me to my family and this earth… so grateful. To know he trusts me enough to be courageous and bold. This is only the beginning and I’m so grateful for this start. I refuse to say “this is crazy” anymore because I know this is meant. This is necessary. I don’t know where Ill go from this point, but I do know it’s only up from here. I invite all Opportunities and ventures in this year. I can’t wait to see where he takes me. #theselfloveissue #glamouruk #firstcover Thank you everyone for helping with this. ✨I love you all more than you’ll ever know!♥️♥️♥️

Jeyźa (@lyricallydiverse) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Jey x @sophiekietzmann

Jeyźa (@lyricallydiverse) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Jeyza Gary lamellar ichthyosissel (halbőrűség) született, ami egy olyan betegség, amikor a bőr kéthetente teljesen megújul. Ez nem törte meg őt, és ő lett az első modell ezzel a feltétellel. 2020-ban Jeyza megjelent a Glamour és a Vogue borítóján.

Kate Piper

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Beauty… it’s just an opinion, perception and conditioning. Thank you @glamouruk for having me on #TheSelfLoveIssue Cover

K A T I E P I P E R (@katiepiper_) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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I am shade 2N #truematch @lorealmakeup #noboundaries #adto

K A T I E P I P E R (@katiepiper_) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Kate Piper túlélte az egyik ex-barátja súlyos savtámadását. Kómába esett, és amikor felébredt, úgy döntött, hogy megosztja történetét a világgal. Most egy aktivista, aki harcol az erőszak ellen, és nem szégyelli, hogy megmutassa, hogyan változott a teste a támadás után.

Amber Jean Rowan

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Thank you so much @glamouruk for having me as part of this month’s Self Love issue 🌹👩🏻‍🦲🌹👩🏻‍🦲 Celebrating beauty in all its wonderful forms💫💕❤️💫💕 If my 15 year old self could see me now – Hair Free 👩🏻‍🦲 & on the cover of @glamouruk magazine…. Quite surreal really.. So happy & honoured to be representing all the other baldies out there 👌🏼 In this together 🙏🏼 #selfloveissue #hairfree #hairfreelife #hairfreebaby #ownit #theselfloveissue #alopecia #glamourmagazine 💄@moniquexmonroe 📸 @katieglassphotography

Amber Jean Rowan 🌝🌴🌝 (@amberjeanrowan) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Calling all you Alopecians out there 👩🏻‍🦲👩🏼‍🦲👩🏼‍🦲👩🏾‍🦲👩🏿‍🦲 I have partnered up with the wonderfully talented photographer @mrelbank to take a series of portraits of men/ women with Alopecia to raise awareness. If you are interested …. Please send me a selfie of you in your naturally beautiful raw state. No make- up or hair pieces please 💃🏼 💃🏼 We want to celebrate the way you look just the way you are 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Email – [email protected] #hairfree#inthistogether#hairfreelife

Amber Jean Rowan 🌝🌴🌝 (@amberjeanrowan) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Amber 15 éves volt, amikor alopeciával diagnosztizáltak. 16 éves korára elvesztette a haját, és elkezdett parókát viselni. De később rájött, hogy kész elfogadni kinézetét.

Michelle Elman

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I’M ON THE BLOODY COVER! Say hi to @glamouruk ‘s Feb Cover Girl 💁🏻‍♀️ This is for my 15 year old who used to rip out the “Hey It’s OK” section and filled a whole pinboard in the common room with that section alone. It’s the only thing I’ve ever collected in my life and if you had told her she would be on the cover one day, she would think you were telling a very bad joke. But it’s not a joke! Couldn’t be prouder to be the face of The Self Love issue. Whilst self love is an overused term, I’m here for more education to be injected into those conversations. We can’t talk self love without talking toxic relationships, boundaries and gaslighting so here’s to a new era: the practical side of self love. I talk a lot about how the media changes our perception of ourselves so to see the idea of beauty being broadened is not only necessary but important. Equally important is the words under my name – you are more than your beauty. If all you’ve achieved by the end of your life is being beautiful, I believe that’s quite meaningless. So here’s to the next generation of women who are on covers for what they’ve done, not what they look like! #TheSelfLoveIssue • Photography/Styling: @dressedbyterri Dress: @asos @asos_loves_curve

Michelle Elman (@scarrednotscared) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Cute phase terminated. Fierce phase initiated. Lol jokes, we don’t deny women the ability to be both on this page. We see humans as multi faceted individuals on this page

Michelle Elman (@scarrednotscared) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Michelle Elman egy blog szerzője, amelyben megmutatja, hogyan sikerült 20 éves koráig legyőzni az agydaganatot és a súlyos bélbetegséget. Michele támogatja az embereket, akik nehéz helyzetbe kerültek.

Nabela Noor

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MAKING HISTORY NEVER FELT SO GOOD! 🇧🇩🇺🇸 Never in a million years did I think I would be the first EVER Bangladeshi-American cover star in HISTORY for one of the biggest magazines. To top it off as a plus sized, Muslim woman, it just feels like a dream. ⁣ ⁣ I am so proud to present to you my @GlamourUK digital cover for the #SelfLoveIssue, which celebrates beauty in all shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds. ⁣ ⁣ This cover is for every brown girl who didn’t see themselves represented in the world around them. ⁣ ⁣ This cover is for every plus sized girl who only saw themselves as supporting acts in storylines, rather than the hero of her own story. ⁣ ⁣ This cover is for every Muslim girl who is tired of seeing their community represented in one narrative in the media. ⁣ ⁣ This cover is for every Bangladeshi girl who grew up wishing to be seen and represented in entertainment.⁣ ⁣ This cover is for my parents who migrated to this country for their kids to make a difference and make an impact in this world. ⁣ ⁣ This cover is for my brothers and sisters who always knew they had a bold, opinionated sister and never tried to silence her or dim her sparkle.⁣ ⁣ And lastly, this cover is for younger Nabela. You believed you could and you did. You did it. You did it. ⁣ ⁣ For every single person who has felt seen and represented through my work, I can’t thank you enough for supporting me. Let’s continue to make history. 💫⁣ ⁣ ♡ ♡ ♡⁣ ⁣ photographed by: @bradypappas ⁣ hair & makeup: ME!

Nabela (নাবিলা) Noor (@nabela) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Your small town, plus sized, Bangladeshi-American online bestie is #CONFIDENTINMYCALVINS 🖤⁣ ⁣ I can’t believe I had the honor of working with @CalvinKlein on such a meaningful, empowering campaign. ⁣ ⁣ I don’t know what my self-love journey would have looked like if I grew up seeing a campaign shot like this as a young girl. ⁣ ⁣ But I’m proud to be the woman in the photo that hopefully transforms how a young girl grows up and sees herself in the world today. ⁣ #MYCALVINS #Ad

Nabela (নাবিলা) Noor (@nabela) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Nabela nem fél megmutatni magát úgy, ahogy van, és megtanítani 1,3 millió Instagram-előfizetőjének, hogy szeressék magukat.

Hani Sidow

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SO EXCITED TO BE ONE OF THE COVERS FOR THE @glamouruk DIGITAL FEBRUARY ISSUE! 🤯 Swipe up on my story to see the full self-love issue!

H A N I 💄 (@hanihanss) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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Dying of a cold but we moveeee 🤷🏾‍♀️

H A N I 💄 (@hanihanss) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Hani Sidow olyan modell, aki mindig hidzsábot visel. Már több mint 5 éve oszt meg képeket magáról az Instagramon, és saját példáján bemutatja be, hogy semmi nem zavarhatja meg az önkifejezési módod.