20 állat, amitől legszívesebben megkérdeznéd: “Mégis, mi vagy te?”

Ha valaki megkér, hogy írj le egy disznót, milyen kép lenne a fejedben? Sokan azt mondanák: „Rózsaszín orr és egy kis farok”. És a négy óriás agyar? És mi a helyzet a pillangó bábokkal, amelyek aranyékszernek tűnnek? Egyes állatok olyan szokatlanul néznek ki, mintha maga J.K. Rowling ledobta volna a varázs bőröndjét, és legalább 20 fantasztikus állatnak sikerült elmenekülnie.

Az 5percblog megtalálta ezeket a csodálatos állatokat, és készített egy összeállítást ebben a cikkben.

Budapesti rövidcsőrű galamb

Damaszkuszi kecske — bébi és felnőtt

Myobatrachus gouldii nevű különös békafaj (Angol neve turtle frog, vagyis „teknős béka”)

Pörölyfejű féreg

Hártyásorrú denevér

Madagaszkári levélkígyó (Langaha madagascariensis)

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My Madagacar Leaf-nosed Snake!😝 This girl eats anoles for me, they are strictly lizard eaters since a diet of rodents would be bad for them since their body isn’t designed to digest them. Vine Snakes are the same way! An occasional rodent is okay for them if they’ll eat it, many of them actually won’t! #leafnosedsnake #madagascar #langaha #bizarre #weird #colubrid #colubridsofinstagram #snake #snakesofinstagram #snakes #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #petstagram #animalsofinstagram #girlswithsnakes #girlswithreptiles #exoticpet #beautifulsnake #animalsofinstagram #herpetology #snek #instagood #instapet #instadaily #animallover #snakelover #reptilelover #reptilekeeper #herp

Brittani Castrovinci (@repti_girl) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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My female Madagascar Leaf-nose Snake! She just shed the other day and is looking amazing!💕 This species is rear-fanged venomous and can get up to around 3 feet.☺️ They are known for being calm and reluctant to bite— even wild specimen! #leafnosedsnake #madagascar #langaha #bizarre #colubrid #colubridsofinstagram #snake #snakesofinstagram #snakes #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #petstagram #animalsofinstagram #girlswithsnakes #girlswithreptiles #exoticpet #beautifulsnake #animalsofinstagram #herpetology #snek #instagood #instapet #instadaily #animallover #snakelover #reptilelover #reptilekeeper #herp

Brittani Castrovinci (@repti_girl) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Holdasszövő lepke

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Insects never fail to surprise me… This gorgeous male Luna moth emerged today, and so did one of my monarch butterflies! They don’t seem to realize that it’s January, 40 degrees outside and storming… #actiasluna #lunamoth #moth #saturniidae #saturniid #insects #lepidoptera #lepidopterist #silkmoth #giantsilkmoth #moths #actias #actiaslunamoth #luna

Gwendolyn Erdosh (@the.lepidopterist) által megosztott bejegyzés,



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Definitely not as cute as the tarantula I encountered yesterday. 😉 Babirusas are wild pigs of pacific Asia. This one in particular is native to Malaysia. Their horn like tusks are used In defense to protect their eyes during a fight with other babirusa or other animals. #animals #nature #outdoors #photography #bestoftheday #instalike #travelgram #animal #travel #natgeo #wildlife #animallovers #amazing #wildlifeaddicts #wanderlust #picoftheday #exotic #wild #nationalgeographic #nicbrownphoto #photographer #cute #wildlifephotographer #animalsco #babirusa #pig #wildpig #malaysia

Wildlife Photographer (@nicbrownphoto) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mexikói szőrös törpe tarajos sül

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A Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine named Simon at @philadelphiazoo. This porcupine’s body grows to between 12 and 18 inches long and its tail can reach up to 14 inches. Its short yellow spikes are almost completely concealed by its long hair covering its entire body, with the exception of its head. This porcupine uses its long tail to grasp onto branches, as it spends most of its time in trees. Being a nocturnal animal, this species uses the same exact hiding spot every day and then reveals itself at night in order to forage for food like fruit, leaves and seeds. . . #porcupine #yellow #animalfacts #photoark #natgeo

Joel Sartore- Photo Ark (@joelsartore) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mechanitis polymnia pillangó

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♦️Tiger Wing Butterfly ♦️📸 : @richards_inverts – 🔻Scientific name: Tithorea harmonia 🔺Origin: Paraná, Brasil – The shininess of these chrysalids/pupae are just out of this world! 😊✨ . You can make out the distorted reflections of trees and the cloudy sky on the body of the chrysalis (even a silhouette of me with the phone camera), as if they’re coated in silver! 😮 ___________________________________ •📸 Camera: iPhone 7 ✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ #Tithorea #Tithoreaharmonia #HarmoniaTigerWingButterfly #TigerWingButterfly #HarmoniaTigerWing #HarmoniaButterfly #TigerButterfly #Butterfly #Moth #Caterpillar #Borboleta #Mariposa #Nymphalidae #Lepidoptera #ButterfliesofInstagram #MothsofInstagram #CaterpillarsofInstagram #LepidopteraofInstagram #InsectsofInstagram #Animalsofinstagram #Entomology #BugsNotDrugs #Bug #Insect #Animal #Pet #Nature #SnagNation

Richard Nakamura (@richards_inverts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Lepidobatrachus laevis (a békák rendjébe tartozik)

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Oh god 💚 Available @bebesaurus_ . #lepidobatrachuslaevis #budgettsfrog #frog #frogs #frogsofinstagram #amphibian #amphibiansofinstagram #amphibians #l4l #animalphotography #animal #animals #animalsofinstagram #animallover #photography #blonde #tattoo #inked #ink #reptile #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #zookeeper

Romanne 🦖 (@romanne_c) által megosztott bejegyzés,


Calliostoma annulatum, egy közepes méretű tengeri csiga.

Cafrangos teknős vagy matamata


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Photo by @joelsartore | Mexican honeypot ants are named for the incredible way they store resources. These ants are like tiny refrigerators, stashing food for the whole colony in anticipation of dry seasons. Designated worker ants called “repletes” hang from the ceiling of their nest, while foraging workers bring them nectar and juices from insect prey– which is edible with a sweet and tangy flavor. Their abdomens slowly become spherical and transparent as they swell with sugary liquids. They can reach the size of a small grape— some become so large that they cannot leave the nest! All of this work insures that the whole colony can eat even when food is not readily available. These little ants are so full of nutrients that they are often eaten by other animals— even humans. This is one of over 100 species of honeypot ant found in warm arid regions around the world. This species occurs in the southwestern US and northern Mexico, where they feed primarily on nectar and small insects. #honeypotant #PhotoArk

National Geographic (@natgeo) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Markia hystrix (Zuzmószöcske)

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Lichen Katydid (Markia hystrix) #lichen #katydid #Markiahystrix #Markia #hystrix #insect #insects #insects_of_our_world #insectsofinstagram #katydids #katydidsofinstagram #costarica #monteverde #monterverdecloudforest

Tom Patterson (@tom_patterson_hates_your_guts) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Koronás tirannusz

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Royal Flycatcher (Onychorhynchus coronatus) flaring his crown. — Banded in the Lake Izabal Region of Guatemala with FUNDAECO. February 2017.

Joel Such (@joel_such) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mwanza laposfejű agáma — Pókember-gyík

Hosszúfülű ugróegér

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